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Vinyl Siding Comments
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Posted by: Johnson in Kings Mountain, NC. | Posted: September 22nd, 2009 03:09PM |
Sq Ft of Home: 1800 | Sq ft of siding: 150.7 |
Brand: Mastic | Installer: |
That price seems very reasonable. Sounds like the insurance company jipped you. |
Posted by: frustrated homeowner in Kings Mountain, NC. | Posted: August 19th, 2009 08:08AM |
Sq Ft of Home: 1,800 | Sq ft of siding: 150.7 |
Brand: Mastic | Installer: |
We recieved some damage from a hail storm and needed only a little over 150 sq ft of siding replaced,a decorative gable vent and 8" of aluminum fascia. The insurace gave us $616.91 w/depr to cover the job. You can imagine how upset I was when the job was almost $1,000.00 over. I would love to know if anyone can tell me who took me to the cleaners my insurance or my contractor. |
Posted by: Tom Smith in Union, NJ. | Posted: June 22nd, 2009 11:06PM |
Sq Ft of Home: 1800 | Sq ft of siding: 2200 |
Brand: Cedar Ridge | Installer: Total Remodeling |
Quoted 20,000 to attach Cedar Ridge Vinyl Siding onto Wood Shingles. New Soffit, Shutters and Capping as well as new Gutter matching color. |
Posted by: sidingguru101 in Saint Joseph, MI. | Posted: June 6th, 2009 06:06AM |
Sq Ft of Home: 1200 | Sq ft of siding: 2000 |
Brand: certainteed | Installer: |
Hey people listen up.
If you want cheap prices expect the following things to happen.
1. Cheap materials means you will replace them in the near future.
2. A company that goes out of business because they don't have a profit.
3. A project which isn't finished because the contractor runs out of money.
4. A poor looking job because the contractor can't afford the proper tools or sharp blades for old saws.
5. A project which takes a lot longer than it is supposed to because they can't figure out a problem or they are skipping from job to job to find money to survive.
6. Workers who smoke, leave cigarette butts in your yard, show their fat bellies, steal your beer, and leave oil stains on your driveway.
I have more of these examples, but I hope you now get the point.
Posted by: Buzz in VA BEACH, VA. | Posted: May 15th, 2009 02:05PM |
Sq Ft of Home: 1800 | Sq ft of siding: 34 |
Posted by: Ann in Greensboro, NC in Greensboro, NC. | Posted: April 26th, 2009 06:04AM |
Sq Ft of Home: 3000 | Sq ft of siding: |
Brand: ? | Installer: Contractor |
I have had several quotes for siding and all are different. $18,000, $25,000 and $28,000. I do not know the exact sq ft. of the exterior. I have a 2 story house with a finished 3rd floor/attic. The interior sq. ft is 3,000. Is this a good price? |
Posted by: rachel in Berlin, CT. | Posted: April 22nd, 2009 11:04AM |
Sq Ft of Home: 1642 | Sq ft of siding: 900 |
Brand: Crane | Installer: Contractor |
Do they sell siding in sq feet or yards. How much is it a square. I have had estimates for 15000-22000..Most recently had one for 9912 for siding and replacement of gutters...is this normal. I have one more person to come and give me a quote and then we'll see |
Posted by: EJ in Natick, MA. | Posted: April 21st, 2009 09:04AM |
Brand: Certainteed | Installer: |
I just accepted a contract for $7500 for removal and cleanup of old siding. Added insulation on exterior, vinyl siding and all the extras need plus seamless gutters. I got two quotes similar and many $10,000 and up! Its worth it to get as many estimates as possible! |
Posted by: Mark in Mass in Berlin, MA. | Posted: April 18th, 2009 05:04AM |
Sq Ft of Home: | Sq ft of siding: 2400 |
Brand: Certainteed | Installer: Professional |
We got a quote for vinyl siding our home with stripping of existing vinyl, PVC Window Trimming with built in JChannel, 6" vinyl corners, A new gutter one side only. The cost was 18K installed. Does this seem reasonable |
Posted by: glenn in memphis, TN. | Posted: April 16th, 2009 09:04AM |
when you say sq ft price ,do you mean floor sq footage or actual sq footage of the siding itself? |
Posted by: John F in Carroll, OH. | Posted: March 14th, 2009 12:03PM |
Sq Ft of Home: 2400 | Sq ft of siding: 3700 |
Brand: Royal | Installer: estimate received |
I requested an estimate to have some reside our house. The estimator said it would take 37 squares. The job also includes sofit, removing two doors and replace them with windows. I wanted 1/2 plywood added along with tyvek. His estimate was just under $27K |
Posted by: Ron D. in metarie, LA. | Posted: February 22nd, 2009 04:02AM |
Sq Ft of Home: Almost any | Sq ft of siding: Almost any |
Brand: Dont remember | Installer: Myself and crew |
I used to be a subcontractor in Metarie,LA 5 yrs ago , in my exp back then we charged $80- $120+ per sqaure just for labor , and $6- $10 labor per linear ft. of sophit and fascia , Now add overhead and cost of materials + recent inflation flucuations , and siding price difference per state and that would be about what you want your total cost to be , anything else being extra , hope this helps |
Posted by: Joseph in Chicagoland in Chicago, IL. | Posted: February 3rd, 2009 08:02PM |
Sq Ft of Home: 1000 | Sq ft of siding: 850 |
Brand: | Installer: ? |
If I buy materials how much might an installer charge to take down old and put up new siding? Not looking for an exact number just a ball park figure.
joe |
Posted by: Billy O in Harrisburg, NC. | Posted: December 27th, 2008 06:12PM |
Sq Ft of Home: 2400 | Sq ft of siding: 2200 |
Brand: Certainteed | Installer: ME |
My secondary job is siding. In North Carolina, I typically charge about $350 for 100 sq ft. And I will use any material less than an .042 thickness. I do great work and make money. Hope this helps |
Posted by: A user in NY in New York, NY. | Posted: December 5th, 2008 01:12PM |
Sq Ft of Home: | Sq ft of siding: 2000 |
Brand: | Installer: Sears |
I just got a quote today for $18,000 for a 2000 sqft of siding from sears. I plan on getting more quotes but this was from sears with no payments for 12 months. |
Posted by: Tom Hansen in Elmo, UT. | Posted: November 5th, 2008 07:11PM |
Sq Ft of Home: | Sq ft of siding: 1500 |
Brand: alcoa | Installer: contractor |
I received this quote. The materials are top of the line and the thickness is the thickest double nailed, insulation and installation w/ soffits and fascia. |
Posted by: C in Chicago, IL. | Posted: October 30th, 2008 01:10PM |
Sq Ft of Home: | Sq ft of siding: 1500 |
Brand: | Installer: Feldco |
I recently received a quote for a 1 story 1500 sq ft home for vinyl siding no gutters or soffit @ $9,900. I know i can find cheaper but winter is here and budget turned tighter, so will have to wait. Good luck to all, and i hope my estimate helps you search for a better one for yourself. |
Posted by: jayboy in bristol, CT. | Posted: October 30th, 2008 01:10PM |
Sq Ft of Home: 1400 | Sq ft of siding: 14 sq |
Brand: | Installer: myself |
im a sub contractos and i was pd $1,560 to rip old ceder shakes, insullate foam , and side 14 sq did i get a good deal? |
Posted by: ahme in Greenville, SC. | Posted: October 18th, 2008 05:10PM |
Sq Ft of Home: | Sq ft of siding: 2000 |
Brand: Noradex | Installer: Home Depot |
includes siding, soffits, and facia
$8000 for 14 windows |
Posted by: R Day in wilmington, DE. | Posted: September 15th, 2008 11:09AM |
Sq Ft of Home: 1800 | Sq ft of siding: 753 |
Brand: ComfortCore | Installer: JP Fitzpatrick |
Estimate is for siding and wrapping of windows. Also, for soffit & Facia. Seems high to me. |
Posted by: Sean from Ridge in Ridge, NY. | Posted: August 29th, 2008 07:08PM |
Sq Ft of Home: | Sq ft of siding: 1940 |
I had an estimate of 14,300.00 on a two story ranch for new soffitts, coil stock fascia 1/2" fan fold, new gutters, cedar impressions on the front and 4" dutch lap on the sides and back. The sider is a neighbor I see all the time, we are friendly |
Posted by: Suzanne in Orem, UT. | Posted: August 5th, 2008 08:08AM |
Sq Ft of Home: 2800 | Sq ft of siding: 1900 |
Brand: American Exteriors | Installer: American Exteriors |
I looks like from other comments that this bid is not out of line but according you the websites estimation it is. This company claims it has a life time warranty. It just still seems like a lot of money. We trying to decide if we should just repaint our metal siding or bite the bullet and get the vinyl siding. |
Posted by: Jason Froese in Burrton, KS. | Posted: July 1st, 2008 12:07PM |
Sq Ft of Home: | Sq ft of siding: 2400 |
Brand: Heartland Siding/ CedarMax | Installer: Super Siding |
$10309 for 24 sq of siding, this includes tear off of old pine lap, trim coil over brick ledge, house rap all exterior walls, 1/4" fan-fold insulation, and install new CedarMax Insulated Vinyl. Price includes all material, Labor, fees, and applicable taxes |
Posted by: John in Phila, PA. | Posted: June 23rd, 2008 07:06AM |
Sq Ft of Home: 1600 | Sq ft of siding: 2400 |
Brand: norandex | Installer: wilsons |
That quote of 22,672 was for 24 sq of siding,soffit,fascia and gutters. It also included for those of you who just look at price fifteen replacement windows. If you break it down 15 windows @400.00 = 6000.00
22672.-6000.= 16672/24sq=695.per square for norandex siding if polar wall or generations series siding in a one step (laminated insulation) process its a fair price |
Posted by: rosa in rochester, MN. | Posted: June 6th, 2008 08:06AM |
Brand: Vinyl | Installer: contractor |
i had my estimat for vinyl siding the other day and the price came up to 14,382. It include the comemrical jobs, taxes, permit, haulaway, materials and installation. This price seems high for me and i'm not sure what the average price is. Do you all think this is a good deal or no? |
Posted by: Jamel in Willingboro, NJ. | Posted: May 30th, 2008 06:05PM |
Sq Ft of Home: 1200 | Sq ft of siding: 800 |
Brand: many | Installer: contractor |
I rec'd a few estimates for vinyl siding. They seem to be all over the place...the low end at about $7500, the high end $18679. I have a ranch style home, but my entire house is not vinyl, I also have some parts brick. My quote was to remove the current vinyl, put up gutters, replace the soffits, facsia (sp*). It just seems like a very hig price. |
Posted by: Carl Miller in Tacoma, WA. | Posted: April 28th, 2008 10:04AM |
Sq Ft of Home: 3500 | Sq ft of siding: up to 3500 |
Brand: many | Installer: contractor |
Some materials which look a lot like vinyl siding are no longer classified as vinyl. Prices can vary by a factor of five to one. A cheap Alcoa panel compared to a Crane or Nailite shingle pattern. Cranes portfolio cost three times what a Reynolds builder panel cost and is worth every penny of it. Check warranty before you buy any siding. Look at exclusions. Many exclude damage from sunlight and extremes of temperature. Installation cost vary by state. By brother pays his men in Ill. 45% less than we pay on West Coast. |
Posted by: Tom in West Hartford, CT. | Posted: April 8th, 2008 06:04AM |
Sq Ft of Home: 1600 | Sq ft of siding: 2400 |
Brand: whatever | Installer: whoever |
I haven�t sided a house myself in a while. But back in the 80's and through the beginning of the 90's a small contractor could figure $100 a square for materials and $100- 150 for profit. I have seen those numbers double due to the cost increases in material and labor but $940 per square does seem high - even with gutters. I look for numbers somewhere around $450 a square on the low side and $650 a square on the high side depending on the size and complexity of the job (more then one story � staging setup and moving around- trim detail)and overhead of the contractor. |
Posted by: - Jim in Lackawanna, NY. | Posted: March 21st, 2008 03:03PM |
Sq Ft of Home: 1600 | Sq ft of siding: 2400 |
Brand: Whatever | Installer: Whoever |
I'm not Bob Vila, but that number seems really high to me...$22,000 for VINYL siding? |
Posted by: Jenn5204 in maumelle, AR. | Posted: February 23rd, 2008 04:02PM |
Sq Ft of Home: 1600 | Sq ft of siding: 2400 |
Brand: Norandex | Installer: Wilsons |
I got a quote to have vinyl siding installed along with gutters/15 seabrooke windows. The quote we received for this is 22,672 . Does this seem like a fair price? |
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